
The workshop will highlight some of the most recent advances in long-time behaviour and statistics of random dynamical systems while including active discussions on open questions. It will consist of 45-minutes talks. The invited speakers are leading international specialists.

Organizing committee

- Nicolas MARIE (MODAL'X, Université Paris Nanterre & ESME Sudria)

- Fabien PANLOUP (LAREMA, Université d'Angers)

- Alexandre RICHARD (MICS, CentraleSupélec)

- Nathalie RODRIGUES (EM2C, CentraleSupélec)

Invited speakers

- Nils BERGLUND (Université d'Orléans)

- Charles-Edouard BREHIER (Université Lyon 1)

- Fabienne COMTE (Université Paris Descartes)

- Aurélien DEYA (Université de Nancy)

- Maria GARRIDO-ATIENZA (University of Sevilla)

- Sarah LEMLER (CentraleSupélec)

- Florence MERLEVEDE (Université de Marne-la-Vallée)

- Sebastian RIEDEL (TU-Berlin)

- Ciprian TUDOR (Université Lille 1)

- Maylis VARVENNE (Université Paul Sabatier)


Click here for the titles and abstracts of the talks.


Practical informations

Registration : The conference is free and open to all, but for obvious organisational reasons, registration before November 10th is required.

For the registration, you have to subscribe to a HAL / ScienceConf account, and then click on Registration in the sidebar menu.

Conference dinner : To be announced.

Financial support

We gratefully acknowledge the support of:

- CNRS (through a PEPS-JCJC project of INSMI);


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